Month: April 2022

Dear Sister Lorraine…

Today we celebrated Sister Lorraine’s last day coming to Saint Patrick’s School because she was our last mission sister connected to this School, We sang a song to her to remember the memories she taught us, most of us were crying and sad. We said prayers about her to remember the good times then we gave a letter so she will treasure them and also after we gave the letter we gave her a hug or shook her hand. Then she said her speech in front of the classes, it was a bit funny and sad her family and friend came to support her. Then in the end we sang one special song to her to remember us.

Dear Sister Lorraine

Thank you  for the teachings you gave us back when we were and I humbly grateful for what you’ve done for the community and this school we wish you safe travels and God Bless.

Epro 8 Challenge 3 Build a CaveMan Car

Today we did another Epro 8 challenge about a Caveman car with our construction equipment. A caveman car can move by itself with a long rubber band string onto the reel making it easy to move by itself, our group made a shelter to keep the “caveman” from getting wet and a seat where the caveman could sit and a motor to move. Before we made this we watched how it could move by itself making it easier for us to build, once we were finished we tested out the car if it could move by itself ( which was a success ). Then we took on a race with the other groups we liked won two times then came second on the last round. What I really wanted to approve of today was to make it go backwards. Today has been a nice day because I got to experience engineering even though it was that hard.

This shows the “Caveman Car” ( With no Caveman )  ( Sorry if you wanted to see it )

Epro 8 Challenge 2 Build a Bridge

Today Room 7 did another Epro 8 challenge to make a bridge that was about 2.5 metres long, 700mm tall, 400mm wide. It took a long time to build this. It’s been really tough this week because we’ve done only two activities, half of our class were already tired, some of the groups had bridges that were really about 2.3 metres long and some had just started doing the bottom.

My group made a lot of upgrades, we weren’t going to use instructions or a video because our teacher wanted us to see how we built this on our own, which I thought was a great idea. Once we were finished we made our own cars to test out the bridge, when we tested out our car it worked out perfectly except for the balance because it was a bit sturdy. The rest of the groups tested their cars on their own bridge which turned out the same way as us. It has been a wonderful weekend Engineering our own buildings.