Waka Ama Day!!!
On the 15th of March was Waka Ama day. Our two teachers Mrs George and Mr Bell were our supervisors the whole trip. We traveled by bus, finally we arrived at our destination ready to learn. We had a Teacher to instruct us how to use oars and learn the commands the captain was going to give us. We started the day with ten people on each side of the canoe and one teacher in each boat, after a 20 minute lesson it was time for a race between the Boys and the Girls. The Girls won since they had the wooden oars making their canoe faster. We head back to the Dock to take the canoes back to the club, making everyone put a lot of effort to pull and push the canoes up hill, and back to the club.
Then we changed back into our uniform gear got in the bus and Drove back to school. During the time where we helped take the canoes back to the club, we had a short time playing in the water splashing one another. It was fun to participate inside the canoe onto the water, it was very challenging.
Clay Pennies for Hitler
My Class Room 8 is reading Pennies for Hitler by Jackie French. As part of our learning we had to choose a critical moment from one section of the book. My group chose the scene where the owner’s dog is dying. It has to be euthanised. Georg couldn’t bear to see this since he wanted one of his own. We create this scene in a day and our rationale for this choice was that it shows us that we have to let go of things we love for the common good. Food was scarce and animals weren’t as important as feeding people.
About Me
Kia Ora
My name is Willietony, I’m 13 and a year 8 student at Saint Patrick’s School. I’m Samoan and I have 3 siblings. My Favorite sport is rugby but sometimes I try basketball… turns out that I’m pretty bad at it. I like almost every food in New Zealand like Fish and Chips, New Zealand lamb, Fruit Salad and Pizza. My hobbies are trying to become a better person to everyone in the school.
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