Day: March 12, 2022

Hammerhead shark: The Best Visions in the Natural world

Hammerhead shark: The Best Visions in the Natural world

Hammerhead shark is an animal that lives in tropical, warm waters from all over the world. They mostly stay along continental shelves and coastlines, but on occasion they are found in the deep ocean cruising near the surface. length of 13.1 feet (4 m)  and weighs 500 pounds (230 kg). 2.

The shape of their head is what gives them their name. Many believed that their head was some kind of rudder, allowing the shark to move its body forward, backwards and side to side. It appears the shark does use its shaped head to facilitate lightning-fast agility in the water. 

What’s even useful to the shark is their vision, they can see mostly anything around them. During the night they use their visions to hunt their prey like sharks, rays, bony fish, crustaceans and maybe squid. They can detect electric currents in the water around them.

Knowing that the pups ( baby sharks ) are born, their heads are round until when they are old enough their heads look truly like a hammerhead. In the meantime, by moving their head sideways as they swim they can observe much of what is behind the all the better to find their meal and sense them too.

Also once they find their meal they use their brute head and pin them to the seafloor like a stingray. The largest hammerhead species can grow to be up to 20 feet in length although that is really that small.

They have a sensory organ called the lateral line packed with nerves. This enables the hammerhead shark to pick up small vibration and pressure changes  in the water. The lateral line is so precise that combined with a shark’s vision a shark can detect prey over a mile away.

There are over 9 different species of the Hammerhead shark, they are called:

Winghead shark

Scalloped bonnethead

Carolina hammerhead 

Scalloped hammerhead


Great hammerhead


Smalleye hammerhead

Smooth hammerhead

The largest hammerhead shark is The “Great Hammerhead”.

Math in me Posters 2022

During February my teacher ( Mr Bell ) gave the class a task to do. So what we had to do was a Math in me poster it’s like where you make your own question then the other person answers. We all made our own questions about our height, how many minutes to go to school and how many male or females do you have in your own family. This is how my one looked. Also if you answer the questions correctly well done.

Thanks for reading this stay safe with your whanau and many blessings to you all

check out my other post in the past too.

Pangolins: The most harmless creatures around the world

Pangolins: The most harmless creatures around the world 

Pangolin is an animal that lives in Africa and Asia 12 inches (30.5 centimetres) to 39 inches (99 cm) long.They weigh from about 3.5 lbs. (1.6 kilograms) to 73 lbs. (33 kg) 

Pangolins have scaly skin on their back when they’re out looking for dinner. Pangolins are not very ferocious, they don’t even have teeth and it’s not very fast either. It has to wobble on its hind legs and tail. 

It has two formidable tools,the first it has are it’s claws,they are huge and it can rip up dry ground to find ants and termites. Once it rips open the side of the ant/termites colony it dives its heads first. Its second tool is its long sticky tongue, which it uses to slide through cracks and crevices. The tongue gathers thousands of ants/termites every day.

Ants use the old way to save the colony, swarm and bite but the pangolin has protected armour so it can’t feel a thing. It’s eyes have a thick lid, it’s ears and nose have special valves that close off when the ants/termites attack.When the ants gather up and rebuild their home the pangolin will destroy it all over again.

Pangolins are not really reptiles, they are actually mammals, there are eight species of them, four in Asia and four in Africa, all of them are threatened with extinction.Pangolins are shy nocturnal animals mostly found in forests, they live either on the ground or up in the trees sheltering in hollows. 

Pangolins mean roller, the word pangolin comes from the Malay word pengulling  meaning something that rolls up because they curl up into a ball when they feel threatened. Pangolins are often called scaly anteaters due to their love of ants and the way that their scales overlap across their body. Their scales are made from keratin which are the same as our own hair and fingernails. 

They’re also the only mammal in the world to be completely covered in scales which provides them with protections from predators. Pangolins can eat up to 70 million insects each year. They walk from their knuckles and they do this to protect their long sharp claws. Pangolins can help to introduce air into the soil using their long snouts, claws and long tongues too.

There are over eight different species in africa and asia they are called:

Ground pangolin

Chinese pangolin

Black-bellied pangolin

White-bellied pangolin

Giant pangolin

Sunda pangolin

Philippine pangolin

Indian pangolin